“We exist so that those far from God experience Him, becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who make their mission the Great Commission.”
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. This was His mission here on earth, so we also make it ours. Our mission is to reach New London, our region, and the world with the full gospel message of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see all people experience His salvation and the power of His presence in a very real way, and so we desire and expect miracles, signs, and wonders to follow the preaching of God’s Word (Mark 16:17-20). It just takes one encounter with Him to change someone’s life forever and to create a hunger deep within that yearns for more. We are an oasis of God’s presence, inviting all who are thirsty to drink of the fountain of living water, so that rivers of living water may flow out of their innermost beings (Rev 21:6, John 7:38).
Not only do we have a deep concern for the lost to be found, but also for believers to become all that God has created them to be as they become fully devoted to the Lord. So then, it is also part of our mission to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12).
As people are being saved, we are equipping them to live life on a mission to help bring the end-time harvest of souls into the Kingdom. We believe rescued people rescue people and that the salvation of souls is the heartbeat of God. So, what’s dear to Him is dear to us!